
The complete text of a work may not be available in Open Scholarship for a number of reasons. 

The author may have selected an embargo. If there is a "Not available for download until date message on the record in Open Scholarship under the download button, then that means the work isn't available for download.

Article reprints may also be under embargo depending on the publisher's policies. Access information is generally included in the Open Scholarship record. 

For other works, the full text may not be available in Open Scholarship at all. For example, the senior abstracts in the Washington University Undergraduate Research Digest and Washington University Senior Thesis Abstracts collections do not necessarily have a corresponding complete paper in Open Scholarship. The abstracts were published through the Office of Undergraduate Research, while senior theses are voluntarily submitted by the students.

Answered By: Repository, digital pub, open scholarship, embargo *SCDPS
Last Updated: Oct 26, 2022    Views: 84