You could look at Humphry’s original thesis, which is quite a bit longer than his published version of the same title. Humphry’s Thesis is available via ProQuest:
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Editorial Introduction: Moving Beyond the Controversy: Remembering the Many Contributions of Laud Humphreys to Sociology and the Study of Sexuality, Schacht, Steven P. The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy; Bingley24.3-5 (2004): 3.
Here is some further background on the Sociology Department:
Sociology at Washington University in St. Louis: History and Reflections, 1906-1989 David J. Pittman and Deirdre Boden. The American Sociologist , Vol. 20, No. 4 (Winter, 1989) , pp. 305-321 Published by: Springer Article Stable URL:
History of Anthropology at Washington University, St. Louis, 1905-2012 David L. Browman
Washington University's Pig Roast: Ending Sociology and Jeopardizing Liberal Arts Barbara Sherman Heyl The American Sociologist, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Winter, 1989) , pp. 341-345 Published by: Springer Article Stable URL: