
Textbook availability - an overview


You may be able to find some of the books that are required for your class. Start your search in the Textbook Resource Guide to find printed books, eBooks and materials that have been placed on Course Reserves by faculty. 

Required readings for a course may be textbooks, other types of books, articles, or a combination of all of these.


Textbook Information

Textbooks often have very generic names, Principles of Microeconomics, for example. So you generally need to know author or editor to identify the correct book. In addition, textbooks are revised periodically, so there are often many editions of the same textbook title.

These are some typical textbook titles:

  • Principles of Microeconomics, 4th edition
  • Introduction to Physical Anthropology, 10th edition
  • Fundamentals of Chemistry
  • Molecular Biology, 5th edition


  • NOTE: The Libraries typically do not purchase textbooks for our own collection or borrow textbooks from other libraries using MOBIUS or Interlibrary Loan (** MOBIUS service interruption. Click for more information **
  • Sometimes professors will put a copy of a course textbook on Course Reserves, so all students may have access to it throughout the semester.
  • You may also find a copy of an older textbook edition in the general circulating collection.
Other Course Books (non-textbook)

** MOBIUS service interruption. Click for more information **

For your other course books that are not textbooks you can check for available copies in the WU Libraries CatalogMOBIUS catalog, or WorldCat.


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Answered By: Services *Research & Liaison
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2024    Views: 200