Downloading/Printing from EBSCO:
Using EBSCO eBooks can be challenging. The steps below outline an efficient way to read, print, and save EBSCO platform eBooks.
- This may seem counter intuitive, but avoid the "full download" option on the landing page of the ebook (left-hand side). Choosing the full download option requires having/creating both an EBSCO account and an Adobe Digital Editions account.
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- Choosing PDF or EPUB also will reveal access and use details for an eBook in the EBSCO platform
- The download/print page limit is in the upper left-hand side.
- Print/download limits vary by book, even within the same vendor platform (EBSCO, in this case). Some books may have a print/download limit as high as 100 pages, while others may only allow 20 pages.
- Note that these limits are per session: Beginning a new browser session will reset your limit
- You will also see books with print/download limits of zero pages. In these cases, although no pages may be printed or downloaded, the text is still fully readable on a computer screen.
For additional guidance about using EBSCO and other eBook platforms, visit the eBook Details guide.