Online Access - Current:
- Your most direct option to access The Atlantic Monthly is through WashU Libraries group subscription option. You will have access to current and archival issues as well as the digital "subscriber only" content available through the Atlantic Online website.
- The Academic Search Complete option will give you PDF images of articles that appear in the print publication, but does not include the "web only" content you would see with an individual subscription.
- Factiva and Nexis Uni are databases that aggregate news from several sources, and both include articles from the print issue as well as some of the "web only" content, though the articles are HTML only and thus do not include images.
Nexis Uni has the best coverage of The Atlantic Online, so we recommend starting there following the instructions below:
- Begin typing "Atlantic Online" in the main search box.
- Select "Atlantic Online" when it appears as a choice. Then, using the same search box, conduct a search with your desired terms.
- Click “All Sources"
- Begin typing Atlantic in this "Sources" box.
- Select your publication when it appears as a choice.
- Then, using the main, large search box, conduct a search with your desired terms.
- Tips for searching in Factiva
- Tips for searching in Nexis Uni
Note: Be flexible with your search terms; sometimes online article titles will differ from their print counterpart; and, dates may differ slightly as well.
Online Access - Historical:
The Atlantic Magazine Archive covers from 1857 to 10 years ago
Print Access:
Recent print issues ave available on Olin Library's Level A in the Current Periodicals section. We also have older issues available in bound volumes.
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Answered By: Services *Research & Liaison
Last Updated: Feb 06, 2025 Views: 3027
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