
You may access The St. Louis Post-Dispatch through a variety of access points.

Recent issues in print:

You can browse current issues on Olin Library Level A in the current newspapers section in range A119. We keep print issues for approximately three months.


Older issues online:

We have a full database of historical issues from 1874 to 2003 in ProQuest Historical Newspapers. These allow you to search full text, browse individual issues, and view reproductions of the original newspaper. These scans even include the original advertisements!


More recent issues online:

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is included in the news databases Factiva (1981-present) * and Nexis Uni (1989-present). Though neither database typically contains images or other media, you can find the full text.

Note regarding Factiva coverage: Access beyond February 3, 2025 is currently unavailable. This is a technical problem on the vendor's end, and we hope it will be resolved soon.

Nexis Uni: Begin typing St. Louis Post Dispatch in the main search box. Select that publication when it appears as a choice. Then, using the same search box, conduct a search with your desired terms.

Factiva: Click “All Sources," begin typing "St. Louis Post Dispatch in this "Sources" box. Select your publication when it appears as a choice. Then, using the main, large search box, conduct a search with your desired terms.



  • The St. Louis Public Library and the St. Louis County Library provide access to the St. Louis Post Dispatch through Newsbank, which has PDFs of the actual print newspaper.  Newsbank also has other regional newspapers from Missouri like the Kansas City Star. WashU Faculty, Staff, and Students can access Newsbank by obtaining a (free) library card from any SLPL or SLCL branch.


Please Note: An article you find online may have a different title in these databases as titles are typically based on the print version. The print date also can differ from the online publication date, so it is best to look within a broader range of dates.


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Answered By: Services *Research & Liaison
Last Updated: Mar 06, 2025    Views: 697