
Checking Holds/Requests:


Hold Periods:


Checking Your Holds/Requests:

Requesting a book through the Catalog puts a "hold" on that book, so others won't be able to check it out. In a way, you are calling "dibs" on the item.

You may check your active holds and requests through My Catalog, which displays a list of your currently checked out items, your holds/requests, and their respective status messages. A list of these status messages and their meanings can be found at our Classic Catalog page.


Hold Shelf Notifications:

Email Notification:

Once a requested item is on the hold shelf and ready for you to pick up, you should receive an email notification from Olin Circulation or Interlibrary Loan. (If you are not receiving notifications, check your spam folder.)

If the library does not have an email address for you, a notification is sent to your street address. (Contact Olin Circulation for additional details: 314-935-5420 or

"My Catalog" Notification:

You may also view your library record online at "My Catalog". If a requested item shows as “Ready for Pickup” or “MOBIUS received,” then the item is on the hold shelf.

Interlibrary Loan Notification:

Your ILLiad account will show when physical Interlibrary Loan items are available for checkout.


How Long Will an Item Remain On Hold?

  • Washington University books are held on the hold shelf for 7 days, with the exception of Poplit and books from the Art & Architecture Library, which are held for 4 days.
  • DVDs are held for 4 days.
  • MOBIUS items are held for 7 days before being sent back to their owning library.
  • ILL items are held until the due date indicated on their slip. The hold period for ILL items varies by owning library.

Note: If a school break falls during your pick-up window, please contact Olin Circulation (contact info below)


Freeze Function:

The “Freeze” function allows you to suspend, or freeze, a hold that you have requested on an item.  During the time your hold is suspended, your hold is skipped over while holds for the item by other users are filled.  This can be especially useful during break or vacation periods when you are unable to pick up items from the library.  This feature does not allow you to freeze MOBIUS holds.


For more information, please contact Olin Circulation at 314-935-5420 or with any questions or concerns.

Answered By: Services *Research & Liaison
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2024    Views: 120