
There are a variety of Libraries resources available to unaffiliated users, which includes WashU alumni:


- Visiting the Libraries

- Borrowing Books

Borrowing Privileges through The Century Club

Using Online Resources/Subscription Resources:

Brown School Library Alumni:

Printing, Technology, and other Building Amenities:


Visiting the Libraries:

Nearly all University Libraries are open to the public/unaffiliated users


Exceptions and related information: 


Borrowing Books:

While non-affiliated users may access books while they are at our Libraries' physical locations, they cannot checkout items (outside of specific exceptions) to bring elsewhere unless they are part of our donor program, the Century Club, which costs a minimum $100 per year and allows for up to 25 checkouts at a time. 



  • Students at many Missouri colleges and universities have borrowing privileges at the Washington University libraries if their institution is a member of the MOBIUS consortium. Check with your school's library for details.

  • Some area libraries, including local school district libraries, participate in the INFO-PASS program. Check with your librarian. Once you have an INFO-PASS, you can bring it to WashU Libraries and check out up to 5 books on one INFO-PASS.

Alternatively, if there is a book owned by the Washington University Libraries you may go to your local public library and request an interlibrary loan, whereby they will obtain the book from Washington University (or any library owning a copy) on your behalf. Check with your local public library for details.


Borrowing Privileges through The Century Club:

Membership in the Century Club allows you to borrow books owned by Danforth Campus libraries. However, this program does not include off-campus access to most databases and electronic journals to which the library subscribes, MOBIUS, and other interlibrary loan services which are available only to current students, faculty, and staff. 

Century Club and other visiting users may access most of the licensed resources from the public computers in the Danforth Campus libraries by presenting a photo ID which we will scan to create a visitor logon for the public computers. More information about Visitor computer use.


To activate or renew your Century Club check-out privileges, please come to Olin Library with:

  • Your valid credit card, or a check for $100. (Sorry, no cash payments.)
  • Your current photo ID, such as a driver's license or state ID card, to confirm your identity.
  • If your photo ID does not show your current address: a piece of mail, addressed to you, that you received at your current address within the past month.  This could be a utility bill or credit card bill, for example. 

To find out more about joining the Century Club, please see Washington University Giving Clubs. If you have any further questions, contact Olin Library Circulation at or 314-935-5420.


Using Online Resources/Subscription Resources:

On-campus, library visitors can access most but not all electronic resources including databases and eBooks with temporary credentials. This login only works on the libraries' public computers in the Libraries. Unfortunately, due to restrictions by our online vendor licensing, unaffiliated users cannot access our online subscription services remotely. Note: This includes WashU alumni; once you graduate from WashU you lose your off-site/home access to the libraries' subscription digital content

Most of the eBooks listed in the Catalog are available to guest WashU users while on campus, but there are some exceptions.

  • eBooks hosted through the EBL platform are restricted to those with a WUSTL Key and not accessible with the temporary username/password credentials issued to visitors.
  • Some ebooks limit the number of people who can use them at the same time.


Brown School Library Alumni:

Brown School alumni have book borrowing privileges for books in the general stacks Brown School Library up to one year after graduation.

After one year, you may join the Century Club to continue checking out books.

As with the other Danforth Campus libraries, Brown School alumni are welcome to use the libraries vast resources by coming to the Brown School to search the databases, indexes, and read the online journals. For additional information, see the Brown School Library website.


Printing, Technology, and other Building Amenities:

Many of the Libraries' physical tools are restricted to unaffiliated users:

  • Printing is unavailable for guests. Only users with WUSTL Keys may use the print system.
  • AUTHORIZED visitors may make use of WashU's computing resources. See WashU's Arts and Sciences Computing Resources for more info.
  • Most reservable rooms are unavailable for unaffiliated users. Contact Circulation at or call 314-935-5420 for more information.
  • WashU's wireless network is reserved for students, faculty, staff, and long-term visiting researchers. 

Items such as Olin Library's microform scanners or DVD/VHS viewing station, however, are open to all users. 


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Answered By: Services *Research & Liaison
Last Updated: Dec 13, 2024    Views: 301