Database Tips:
We know that can be a tough call. Here's what we suggest:
General Search Tips:
Steps for searching databases for articles:
1. Start generally. Begin your search using a multidisciplinary database such as Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, Project Muse, Scopus, or Web of Science.
2. Improve your keyword search. For example: If you are researching the current designs of hybrid vehicles, be sure to combine terms such as "design AND hybrid vehicles". For more tips on developing search terms in library databases see the "Testing your Topic" box in Exploring an idea.
3. Search subject-specific databases. In addition to having many general/multidisciplinary databases, WULibraries also provides access to hundreds of subject specific databases. Simply select the subject of your research area from the box Find Databases by Subject.
4. Obtaining an article. Depending upon the database, full-text may not be immediately available. Always first look for a link to the full-text of an article (typically you will see a pdf or html link). If this is not available, look for the button.
Contact your subject librarian, if you get stuck!