
My account is expired:

Student accounts expire for the following reasons:

  • They may not be currently enrolled for the upcoming semester.
  • They may have registered, but we have not yet received the update from Student Records, in which case a staff member can verify that they are registered and update their record.

 Faculty accounts expire for the following reasons:

  • They may not have a new appointment.
  • They may have a new appointment, but we have not received the update from Human Resources, in which case a staff member can call HR to verify the appointment.

 Courtesy patron accounts expire for the following reasons:

  • They may not have renewed their membership for the upcoming year.
  • They may not have shown their current Eliot Society card.

My library account is blocked:

There are multiple reasons why a patron’s record may be blocked:

  • If a patron has a recalled book that is overdue, the record is automatically blocked. Once the book is checked in, the record will be unblocked.
  • If the patron owes too much money, the record will be blocked. Maximum amounts a patron can owe before being blocked are:

- Graduate student: $999.99

- Undergraduate student: $999.99

- Staff: $15

- Courtesy: $15

  • Patrons will also be blocked from checking out material if their patron record has expired.


A library staff member may put a manual block on a record for various reasons. If your record is blocked and you need help resolving the problem, contact the Circulation staff by phone at (314) 935-5420, or by e-mail at


Try 24/7 Ask Us! chat for additional assistance.

Answered By: Services *Research & Liaison
Last Updated: Apr 18, 2024    Views: 290